Off Leash is the only University of Washington humor publication, providing news, articles, opinions, and more-- all with absolutely zero bounds. It was founded on the belief that this University takes itself too seriously. The writers hope that it can be passed down for student enjoyment for many years to come, and ultimately make this whole school just a little funnier.​



To stay up to date, follow Off Leash on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok and Facebook @offleashnews.


DISCLAIMER: Off Leash News is a satirical publication. While some content may be taken from or inspired by real events, the stories are entirely works of fiction. All content produced is a source of parody, satire, and humor and is for entertainment only. All content produced by Off Leash News are works of fiction and constitute fake news. Any truth or actual facts contained in news stories or posts are purely incidental or coincidental and are not intended to be, or be construed as, facts. Full disclaimer can be found on our website.

Posts or stories may or may not use real names, always in substantially fictitious ways. Any resemblance to the truth or actual facts or to reality is purely coincidental, except for references to famous persons and/or public figures, in which case such stories may be based on real people, but the story, or stories, surrounding or about these people or figures are entirely fictional and are intended as satire and entertainment. Stories produced by Off Leash News are written as entertainment and not to disparage any persons, or institutions, and no malice is intended, nor should any be construed from the satirically based stories and fake news items. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental or is intended purely as satire, parody or spoof of such persons and is not intended to communicate any true or factual information about that person.

The opinions expressed on the Off Leash News website or social media pages are entirely those of the individual contributors and do not represent the views of any other organization or person.

Off Leash News and any associated social media pages (Facebook, twitter, etc.) are intended for a mature, sophisticated, and discerning audience and are not intended for persons under 18 years of age.

Please direct all problems and issues to our Senior Public-Relations Vice-Manager, who can be reached at 4:30am around the west side of Gowen Hall.

It’s more than the news, it’s a movement.
— Some guy that didn't read our magazine